Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Restrict BIP access (table access) for person, sensitive data


When creating or editing a data model it should be possible to restrict data access to certain tables that contain person sensitive data such as Ethnicity etc. The security should be applied to data model access as well similar to the access via the UI.

3 votes

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  • Venkatesh Srinivasan-Oracle
    Venkatesh Srinivasan-Oracle Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hello Vina,

    Please use secured views tables in BIP report which will restrict data according to thier security permissions

  • Simon Ng
    Simon Ng Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    It seems the original question is about whether we can restrict report writers (specifically, those with the BI Publisher Data Model Developer role) from accessing certain tables.

    According to Doc ID 2819026.1, "…it is not possible to restrict BI Publisher Data Models to specific tables."

    The documentation also suggests using secured views, but this approach only applies to front-end users with the BI Consumer Role, who run and view reports. Our goal, however, is to limit developers from querying certain tables when creating data models with SQL.


  • MandeepGupta
    MandeepGupta Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi @user10597052,

    There is no way to restrict the access only to certain tables for a specific user. If a user has access to any table, he/she will get access to all the tables.

    However, in HCM, there are few tables which are marked as sensitive data which will not retrun any data if the user doesn't have appropriate security/role privileges.

    Please check below link for list of objects included in sensitive data:
