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Creating Data Model Using SQL Querry is Causing Data Breach Issue

Received Response
V P Aravind
V P Aravind Rank 3 - Community Apprentice
edited October 2023 in Oracle Analytics Publisher

Does Anyone who has both HCM and ERP in same project have the concern if a user has access to create Data Models using SQL Querry??

That is, if a user account having access to BI Author role along with BIPDataModelDeveloper role is providing the ability to see any FSCM or HCM sensitive information in the Oracle fusion irrespective of data restrictions placed in the front end through role assignments.

Isn't this a data breach issue and do Oracle have any solution for this ??

As per Oracle SR Suggestion I have submitted an Idea/Enhancement Request. Please refer to below link to vote or comment if it is a concern in your project as well.

Restriction of Data in reports and analytics while creating Data Model — oracle-products
