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Include 'No Access' to permissions in DV
Today, in Answers, we have the ability to assign 'No Access' to specific application roles which comes in handy when we want to blend the permissions of two different roles across our catalog. For example, we have an application role for authors and we also have application roles that differentiate domestic and international users. If we create a folder/object that we want all the domestic authors to have access to we can set the object/folder permissions to allow access for the Author role and 'No Access' for the international role (see top image).
The problem is that we can only assign the 'No Access' permission in Answers and not in DV and since datasets permissions cannot be accessed within Answers, we have no way of assigning this type of access on datasets (see bottom image)
Can we have 'No Access' included as a permission option in DV?
This is a gap in the security model that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Dataset permissions need to mirror the same type of permissions that can be assigned to objects in the catalog. We have been using No Access permissions in OBIEE/OAS for years. This hole in the security model prevents continuity of security between reports and datasets.
If we can't have No Access directly as a permissions, then we need to be able to add a role and then de-select the radio button for Read-Only. You cannot do this today in the interface. A role can only be granted access.