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Lockdown Proprietary Data Model Logic
We have a custom report/data model we would like to use in future Oracle ERP implementations BUT we do not want anyone to have the ability to edit it or view the logic inside.
I understand we can update the permissions, on the folder or Data Model itself, to update the access to specific users/roles to view only. Still, we want to address the situation where administrators can log in to the account that owns the data model, update the permissions, or edit the logic from there.
Is there a way to password-protect the model? What other direction can we go to ensure no one can edit or access the model without proper authorization?
Hi @User_ZEJQU ,
AFAIK it's not possible to protect a Publisher data model with a password.
As a workaround, you could implement the logic behind your data model (e.g. the physical query) directly in the database as a (materialized) view. In this way, none will be able to view or edit the logic of your model using the Publisher interface.