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How to get/split output data into multiple files (based on specific column in a analysis output)

Accepted answer

The output of the analysis needs to be split into multiple excel files based on one specific column for example Project organization and that needs to sent to respective users via email using scheduling an Agent.

For example:

Project Org - User/email



Please let me know if we have possible to split the output data in a sample analysis output.

Best Answer

  • Dimple-Nagesh-Support-Oracle
    Dimple-Nagesh-Support-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead
    Answer ✓

    Hi Thanigainathan R,

    Have you tried editing the OTBI Agent -- Recipients Tab -- Select checkbox "Get Recipients from the Analysis Used in the Agent Condition' -- Make sure to have either username or email address in the analysis, so you can select it

    Test the same and let me know the results


    Dimple N


  • Thanigainathan R
    Thanigainathan R Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Dimple,

    Actually, my requirement share a output dump to common mail (it should be hardcoded mail ID in the recipient list). my analysis should split the data based on the Project organization and send to the hardcoded mail id respect to the Project organization.

    Note: Common user going to schedule a agent and output should share to respective Project Organization owners (Hardcoded common mail IDs)



  • Dimple-Nagesh-Support-Oracle
    Dimple-Nagesh-Support-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Thanigainathan R,

    In the case you can use the recipients tab to hard code the values, so only those users will receive emails.



  • User_KUEXP
    User_KUEXP Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hello, we are facing the issue that when the check "only return rows relevant…" is checked the analysis anyway sends all the rows to multiple recipients when should send an exclusive row to every different recipient, someone has this issue?
