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How to convert date to text with this format 'YYYY-MM-DD"?

Accepted answer
JobDeLuna Rank 5 - Community Champion


Anyone can help on how to convert date to text with this format 'YYYY-MM-DD"?

Best Answer

  • JoseP-Oracle
    JoseP-Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice
    Answer ✓

    You can try this formula:

    cast(year("Snapshot Date") as CHAR(4)) || '-' || cast(month("Snapshot Date")as CHAR(2)) || '-' || cast(day("Snapshot Date")as CHAR(2))


  • JobDeLuna
    JobDeLuna Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi, @JoseP-Oracle .

    Thank you for your response; however, it's giving me single digits for months and days from 1 to 9 even though we have set CHAR(2)

    I may have a problem with sorting.

  • JoseP-Oracle
    JoseP-Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice
    edited October 2023

    @JobDeLuna - Before fixing the expression to your need, just want to confirm why the need to covert the date to text. If for display format at the report, you can configure a desired display format in the visualization -> Properties -> Date / Time Format -> Format for the column. i.e. you can set the format in there as YYYY-MM-DD

  • Madasamy -Oracle
    Madasamy -Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    I just tweaked that formula a bit and it works this way. Is this how you want to display your dates in text format?

    cast(year("PC0"."Time"."Date") as CHAR(4)) || '-' || cast(MONTHNAME("PC0"."Time"."Date") as CHAR(3)) || '-' || cast(DAY("PC0"."Time"."Date") as CHAR(2))

    And this is how it looks for a whole month!