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Time Card Status
Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a BIP report for Time Card Change History which includes both "Time Entry" and "Time Card Status". For Time Card Status, I am trying to add the BEFORE CHANGE and AFTER CHANGE status. However, I cannot find any table which has the columns I need. I am currently using the tables HWM_TM_STATUSES, HWM_TM_STATUS_DEF_B, HWM_TM_STATUS_DEF_TL but none of them consists the BEFORE CHANGE and AFTER CHANGE COLUMN statuses. Here is the screenshot of the front-end value of I am trying to code in BIP. Navigation is MY CLIENT GROUPS>TEAM TIME CARDS.
If anyone has worked on the same BIP report, please share your input here. Thank you so much.
Candy Miles
Also Have Same rquirement please if anyone has an Idea please do comment i need below details as well