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Time Card Status

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a BIP report for Time Card Change History which includes both "Time Entry" and "Time Card Status". For Time Card Status, I am trying to add the BEFORE CHANGE and AFTER CHANGE status. However, I cannot find any table which has the columns I need. I am currently using the tables HWM_TM_STATUSESHWM_TM_STATUS_DEF_BHWM_TM_STATUS_DEF_TL but none of them consists the BEFORE CHANGE and AFTER CHANGE COLUMN statuses. Here is the screenshot of the front-end value of I am trying to code in BIP. Navigation is MY CLIENT GROUPS>TEAM TIME CARDS.

If anyone has worked on the same BIP report, please share your input here. Thank you so much.


Candy Miles


  • Kaustubh Deshmukh
    Kaustubh Deshmukh Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Also Have Same rquirement please if anyone has an Idea please do comment i need below details as well