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AWARD OPPORTUNITY: Nucleus Research's 2024 Technology ROI Awards (Deadline: April 1, 2024)
Award Site:
Award Submission Form
About The Awards
Started in 2002, the annual ROI Awards recognizes end-user organizations whose deployments of specific IT solutions have achieved exceptional financial and business results. Upon submission, each project is independently assessed by a Nucleus Research analyst and a complete ROI and TCO assessment is generated. The ten organizations whose projects achieved the greatest return on investment will be announced as the winners.
This year’s entries must be received by April 1, 2024. Winners will be announced in June 2024.
Award Questionnaire
Nominator details
- Name:
- Company:
- E-Mail address:
- Phone:
Project details
- Company:
- Project name:
- Primary contact at company:
- E-Mail address:
- Phone:
- Do they know they’ve been nominated? _____ YES _____ NO
- What was the estimated initial deployment budget for the project?
- What was the approximate deployment date for the project?
About the project
- Please describe the organization and the business need that drove it to initiate the project.
- Please describe the system or project you are nominating, including the project scale, scope, and timeline, business goals and objectives, and impact on the business.
- Please describe the overall benefits derived from the application and how you believe they deliver returns for the organization.
Corporations, non-profits, and governmental and educational organizations are invited to nominate IT projects. Eligible projects must have been installed and in operation for at least six months from the date of nomination. There is no cost to submit a nomination and all submissions will be reviewed by a Nucleus Research analyst.
Want help with you submission story? Email