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Is there an easy way to change ownership to OAC objects from user a to a Role/Group?

Accepted answer


Is there an easy way to do a massive change of ownership from "User A" to a BI Role or Group ?

When an employee leave the company, we would like to switch ownership for all their former objects (folders, analyses, agents, etc.) , from "User a" to "BI Administrator Role", or to some other employee. Without having to assign ownership manually one by one.

PLMK, thanks,

Marcelo Finkielsztein

Best Answer


  • Marcelo Finkielsztein
    Marcelo Finkielsztein Rank 6 - Analytics Lead
    edited November 2023

    Hi @Federico Venturin ,

    This answered my question. BTW, I (actually) was able to assign multiple objects to a role.

    THANK YOU!!!


    (P.S.: I was trying to do this using the "Classic" OAC GUI. Did not check what would happen on the OAC-DV wbepages. D'oh. )