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Good Morning, I have to handle certain date logic in the RTF template.

Received Response
Harshini Devi
Harshini Devi Rank 1 - Community Starter
edited December 2023 in Oracle Analytics Publisher

When Product Type is 'One', the transaction date which is processed cannot be more

than 60 days into future or seven days past-dated. 

This has to be handled in the RTF Template

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions kindly help me on this


  • Federico Venturin
    Federico Venturin Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi @User_NCHVR ,

    Can you please provide more details? What should happen when the transaction date satisfies the condition? What about when the condition is false?

  • Harshini Devi
    Harshini Devi Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi @Federico Venturin , The transaction date is supposed to be payroll run date. I need to achieve the condition as the file should be pulling the data which falls on the payroll run date or 60 days into future or for the past seven days from the payroll run date. If the condition is not satisfied then it shouldn't bring the data which doesn't satisfy the date condition.

  • Then based on your statement...

    "If the condition is not satisfied then it shouldn't bring the data which doesn't satisfy the date condition"

    This logic should be in the data model query not in a report rendering.

    What is source database as SQL logic is different?