Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics

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Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Received Response
Saher Rank 4 - Community Specialist

Hi everyone,

I need some assistance.

I picked up multiple values by using the above-mentioned subject area and getting values from different sections of a person's profile page, e.g. Language, skills, career preference, etc. It creates multiple rows and sections for one employee in my report, Which also creates an issue in filtering the desired result. I want to pull all records in one row without any null values. 

If anyone can help me with this issue, I would highly appreciate it.

Thank you.


  • Hi @User_notn These are separate records hence appears that way. For example: If there are 3 languages and 2 competencies associated with a worker then it will display 5 rows. The closest that you can achieve is using a pivot view. Recreate the analysis using the attached xml


    Imp Note: Please post your ask on OTBI in the following path

    Categories -> Reporting and Analytics -> Reporting and Analytics for HCM

  • Saher
    Saher Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Thank you so much @Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle. it works for me.