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OBIEE doesnt start
Nodemanager uses demo certificates. Your OBIEE demo certificate would have got expired.
So, your weblogic admin server is not able to trust the nodemanager.
Here we have two options -
Recreate demo certificate
Turn off secure listener in your nodemanager properties and then make the connection type to Plain in Admin Console.
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I've noticed one warning in admin server log
<BEA-090154> <Identity certificate has expired...
But we didnt set any certificates. But after some searching i found that there is default certificate that expires after 5 year of using the System)).
Great article
Ive did all described there but faced one issue
We have 2 nodes
I chose bi domain name with prefix (DemoCertifFor_bi_domain) for setting "Common Name" like it was before.
Then after configuring and executing start.bat no one of my 2 bi servers started (admin server started).
And I have a lot of such messages
<BEA-090504> <Certificate chain received from MALAKHITHYP - failed hostname verification check. Certificate contained DemoCertifFor_bi_domain but check expected MALAKHITHYP>
<Unable to start the server bi_server1...
<BEA-090504> <Certificate chain received from MALAKHIT02 - failed hostname verification check. Certificate contained DemoCertifFor_bi_domain but check expected MALAKHIT02>
<Unable to start the server bi_server2...
Then i recreated cert with Common name=MALAKHITHYP and a half part of my instance started to work!
BUT I dont know how to start the second one(MALAKHIT02) because I can specify only one in "Common name"
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Nodemanager uses demo certificates. You OBIEE demo certificate would have got expired.
So, your weblogic admin server is not able to trust the nodemanager.
Here we have two options -
Recreate democertificate
Turn off secure listener in your nodemanager properties and then make the connection type to Plain in Admin Console.
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About 2 options
- We did it but faced interesting issue. When you recreate certificate you should specify Common name. If you have 2 machines with diffrent names(not like domainX.machine but f.e. machine1 and supermachine2) you cant specify Common name for both or they wont start . To make it work you should add following start parameter
- Nope. You can do this but some of the bi services wont start since they work only with ssl