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BI Publisher Connection

Hi Team,
We are trying to export the data from fusion application by using BI publisher connect. We have created custom BI report and it has two parameters.
We have setup the BI Publisher connection as per below screenshot and also we have passed the parameter values in the 'Report Configuration' field as per below screenshot.
Test Connection and Refresh Metadata getting completed successfully but data augmentation went into error (Error message below). Please share your input if you have faced similar issue.
Report Configuration
"reportPath": "Custom/Link-To-FAW/PersonDetails/Person_Assignment_Report.xdo",
"runInChunkMode": false,
"params": [
{ "name": "p_country_code", "value": "India" }
{color:#ff0000},{ "name": "p_legal_entity_id", "value": " Electric (India) Private Limited" }{color}]
Data Augmentation Error
BI Publisher Configuration
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Hi @RanaAshutosh-Oracle ,
Thanks for the response. I have used below value in the 'Report Configuration' but still getting below mentioned error, Can you please help me on the same.
Report Configuration
[{"reportPath": "Custom/Link-To-FAW/PersonDetails/EMR_Person_Assignment_Report.xdo", "runInChunkMode": true, "params":[{"name": "p_country_code", "value": "India"}, { "name": "p_legal_entity_id", "value": "Electric Company (India) Private Limited"}}]]
Error Message
Report parameters, along with its respective values, is missing for the EMR_Person_Assignment_Report report in BIP connection properties. Please provide these details in the "Report Config Parameters" field in connection properties and retry
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Hi Vasanthakumar,
The beginning of your Report path should look more like:
"reportPath": /"Custom/Link-To-FAW/PersonDetails/EMR_Person_Assignment_Report.xdo",,"runInChunkMode": true
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@Vasanthakumar Ravi - Please try using below in Reports Configuration:
{"reportPath": "Custom/Link-To-FAW/PersonDetails/EMR_Person_Assignment_Report.xdo",
"runInChunkMode": true,
{"name": "p_country_code", "value": "India"},
{ "name": "p_legal_entity_id",
"value": "Electric Company (India) Private Limited"