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Moving DV from OAS to OAC

Accepted answer

Can someone from Oracle highlight the steps involved in moving the data visualizer on OAS to OAC while keeping the database on-premise?

Best Answers

  • Gianni Ceresa
    Answer ✓

    In Oracle Analytics the data isn't stored inside the visualization, therefore you can move your DV objects using the documented processes (BAR export in OAS and BAR import in OAC) and you can then change the connection details in OAC to point to your on-premises databases if needed. Of course you will need to handle the, probably, extra networking setup required (add rules to firewalls to allow the connection, or a dedicated VPN or using the Remote Data Gateway).

    Keeping it simple: OAS to OAC isn't any different than OAS to OAS for DV content, while your database connection depends on how you plan to establish such connection.

  • Gianni Ceresa
    Answer ✓

    More than "migrate" users and groups, you have to create them in Oracle Cloud.

    Because OAS doesn't allows you to have local users and groups, it does integrate with the cloud identity provider. That's a different topic (it's outside OAC, just like users and groups are outside OAS).

    The whole security part could be tricky and will probably require you to recreate things etc. (OAC wasn't really happy with custom application roles last time I tried to get my own security inside).

    It also depends a lot on how your current OAS security looks like (it can be simple or extremely complex: security is a very customized thing).

  • Gianni Ceresa
    Answer ✓

    What sources are you using for your DV workbooks? If they do use subject areas, then you will have the RPD in both places.

    You don't really have many choices anyway and it's quite easy: do you need to use your subject areas as sources in DV? Then you need to deploy your RPD in OAC as well, adapting all the connections to point to the required sources (connection strings for database can be different when being "local" or connecting from cloud).

    If you keep developing things in your RPD, you will need to remember to deploy it again, every time, in OAC, or your changes will be just local.

    Technically it is impossible to have "a single" RPD for both OAC and your local OAS.

    You could "cheat" by creating an Oracle Analytics connection in OAC and point it to your local OAS, and build your DV workbooks only on datasets created through that connection. But it will be datasets, not your subject areas, you will be adding an extra layer that has to be maintained (if you rename something, or need to add new data, it will be take extra work).

    Doing a separate move for DV and "classic" (dashboards etc.) means you need to do more work in the meantime, keeping the RPD in sync between OAC and your local OAS (as long as your DV worksbooks need to use the subject area as sources).

