Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Comma separated value input in presentation variable - OTBI report Issue


Hello Team,

We have a requirement to have a comma separated order numbers as an input variable and have data filter criteria driven by this input to help them manage Order backlog. 
We are currently utilizing presentation variable and adding below SQL criteria to implement this requirement, but facing issues during report execution ( [nQSError: 27002] Near <with>: Syntax error (HY000) ).
SQL string used to decode:("Order Header Detail"."Order Number" IN (with rws as ( select @{variables.Order_Number} str from dual)   select regexp_substr (str,'[^,]+',1,level) value from rws connect by level <= (length ( str ) - length ( replace ( str, ',' ) ) + 1)))
Reaching out to this group for guidance and alternate options utilized to implement similar requirement.
