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Talent review template name column subject area for otbi
Sujan Kumar Dash
Rank 1 - Community Starter
Hi, We are in need of assistance to locate the OTBI subject area for the following columns:
- Talent Review Template name
- Selected Population Employee Name
- Selected Population Employee Job
Your help in finding the corresponding columns and OTBI subject area would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.
Please find attached below column details in talent review section and help me to find the columns
Here is your subject area guide and data lineage guide.
This tells you what a subject area does and what is mapped to each subject presentation columns.
In your browser go to
then select
"Review … Subject Areas"
Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in HCM
F92793-01 24B
"Review data lineage for …"
latest 24B