Column Formula different in other environments
We currently have a DFF with this code, "DB_HRT_STATUS". This was configured in Environment 1, then deployed to Environment 2. When I cross-checked these on both environments, both configurations look fine and the same. However, when we try to create a report in OTBI, the column formula for this DFF in each environment is different.
Here's a sample:
Environment 1 OTBI Column Formula: "- Person Profile Details"."HRT_PROFILE_ITEMS_DB_HRT_STATUS_v"
Environment 2 OTBI Column Formula: "- Person Profile Details"."HRT_PROFILE_ITEMS_DB_HRT_STATUS_"
As per our reporting colleagues, this causes an error in reports. What could be the reason for this? And what does the "_v" stand for?
Thank you in advance,
Yes the name of an additional information field DFF presentation column in your subject area is derived from the fields you setup on page "Manage Descriptive Flexfields". This is what is read by the biextender scheduled process when in adds your column to the subject areas in the metadata repository database. So you must make sure the Application Implementation Consultant does the setup the same in all environments if you want to be able to archive then unarchive your catalog without sql qeury execution errors at runtime from one to the other environment. Compare "Manage Descriptive Flexfields" in both envs. Has one attribute been setup different perhaps a longer Name or Code or BI Label etc?
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Hi @Nathan CCC,
Thank you for your inputs! I've checked both environments - and all details are exactly the same. Please see screenshots below:
Environment 1:
Environment 2:
Hence why were wondering on why the column formula in OTBI would be different, if both configurations were exactly the same.
Would there be another reason as to why the column formulas are different?
Thank you in advance,