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REST API or function to get if the employee Eligible or not.

Received Response
Mohammad Borghol
Mohammad Borghol Rank 2 - Community Beginner

Hi All,

I'm integrating with another system and facing a challenge when an employee submits a leave request. The issue arises because the employee is in their probation period, and the ERP system can't process the leave request due to eligibility constraints. However, in the other system, there are no eligibility constraints, and all leave options are visible to the user.

Is there a REST API or function available to check if a specific employee meets the eligibility criteria for leave?



  • Hi,

    Your question is more about the source system than Publisher (because Publisher does reporting on a number of sources but doesn't own the source application data).

    You should consider asking in the Fusion forums:

    There are lot of categories, find the one matching the best your product and question.