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Issue with a BIP report output, where column headers & column values are mismatching
Hi All,
I am facing an issue with BIP report output where The column header and column values are mismatching.
Example : A column Posting_Date the expected value is a date but i am getting a text.
Further I noticed that when we remove the Description column from report logic the data mismatch issue is not there, but we need description column as well.
So, can any one help me with your inputs. Thanks.
Best Answer
Hi @User_R2WZN
Download some sample xml data from data model and then try to use the BIP template viewer tool to validate your RTF template so that you can able to get some more information where its causing the issue.
Hi @User_R2WZN
Can you double check your data types of the columns used and mapping has done properly at design level?
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Hi @Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle ,
Thanks for your input.
I have created and new RTF template for the report and also tried with system generated template , but it is still an issue.