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Rating in HCM Performance Management Time is showing the wrong year in the vizualization
I have encountered an issue with my dataset and could use some help. I have five records that show incorrect values for the column "Year." The problem is that the period end date for these records is not in 2024, yet the "Year" column reflects 2024. As you can read on
the time reporting for this subject area (HCM - Performance Management) is linkted to Periond End Date. ("Time ReportingYou can use this subject area to report on trends based on various time periods, such as year, quarter, and month.
Time dimension is linked to Performance Document End Date.")
Has anyone experienced a similar issue, or can anyone provide guidance on how to correct these values? Any advice on why this might be happening or how to troubleshoot it would be greatly appreciated.
Best Answer
@Ruben97 Basically the subject area HCM - Performance Management has its anchoring date tied to the attribute Performance Document End Date. The assignment information of the workers are rendered based on this date. Hence the suggestion is to use filter of Performance document name instead of using Year filter.
However, there can still be exceptions in two cases.
1. If the performance document end date is future dated - This is if we are in Aug-2023 and the document end date is 31-Dec-2023 then the anchoring date is revised to the sysdate. This means, the assignment information is rendered as of the sysdate.
2. In case of Global Transfer - Workers can transfer their retrospective performance documents to the latest assignment during global transfer. In such cases, the anchoring date for those documents that moved from the prior assignment to the latest assignment, the anchoring date is set to the start date of the new assignment to which the document was transferred.
Reference: FAW:Inactive Performance Document Names Of Previous Years Show Up For Other
Years In "HCM - Performance Management" Subject Area (Doc ID 2969750.1)Thanks and Regards
@Ashish-Oracle Thank you for the explanation. I checked and all 5 records have had a global transfer in 2024..