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Scheduling fusion cloud reports to run and auto-print reports

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User_AJR4H Rank 1 - Community Starter

We are currently upgrading out Oracle system from R12 to Oracle cloud. Inside of R12 in our maintenance system we have a schedule job that runs continuous and looks for reports meeting certain criteria and then prints the respective reports. One the report is printed there is a flag that lets the system know this has been printed. In fusion I am trying to recreate this process, but I am having a hard time with the flag to note if the report for specific job has been printed already. The report prints off Maintenance work orders. We don't want to duplicate printing workorders.


  • How are you creating the report in Fusion? (OTBI, BI Publisher, etc.)?
    I believe this is in the wrong forum and I want to move it to the correct one for you.

  • User_AJR4H
    User_AJR4H Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Thank you Jamie, These are BI Publisher. Any assistance with moving would be appreciated.