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"Not Enough Memory to open this page" -BI Report
Hi Folks,
We have a report which generates assignment details, we are able to export the report in xml format, but while running in HTML format , first it takes time to load and then it error out with message "Not Enough Memory to open this page".
We tried running in different browser edge, chrome, firefox(Oracle recommended) but none of them worked.
Firefox we can see the report sometime, but it is not consistent.
Please advise.
FYI :Row count>75k
It's a browser error, add more ram to your PC and see if it works better (or close everything else you have open to give all the memory you can to your browser). (I'm not even joking, your browser is telling you it doesn't have enough memory to display that page.)
But I'm curious: why do you want to render a report in HTML with more than 75k rows? I challenge you to find a human able to analyze such kind of report in a product way…
You should rethink the report, add filters to make it usable, if you want to render it in HTML. Otherwise it will just be a report that exist for no reasons because nobody can ever really use it in a productive way. And if it is a requirement set by somebody, it's time to start challenging requirements when they don't make sense…