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FDI Security - Need ability to export groups to application roles mapping
Martin Myers-Argano 4 Oracle
Rank 1 - Community Starter
We have done a lot of mapping between custom client groups and FDI application roles. I want to export this data from FDI to confirm it is how we intended and for historical recording.
To be clear what I'm talking about:
Navigation: FDI -> Security -> Groups (pick somthing like 'XXX Comp Admin - View All') -> Application Roles
This screen shows a list of application roles that we have assigned to this custom HCM role.
I want this exported from the system in one of two ways:
1) Expose the database tables to OAX_USER so that I can do my own SQL query ***This should be very quick and easy for Oracle to do***
2) Create a download to excel feature (like other downloads already implemented)