Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

How to print salary amount in Latvian and Estonian in BI Report?

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We have a requirement to generate Employment Contracts for Latvian and Estonian employees. We got everything to print in the letter except the salary amount. As per requirement, we need to print Salary Amount in words (in Latvian and Estonian). We are using this word function to translate and it is working for other language, for example: Lithuanian.

Function: <?xdoxslt:toCheckNumber('LV', SALARY, 2, ‘CASE_INIT_CAP’, ‘DECIMAL_STYLE_WORDS’)?> - This one doesn't work for Latvian or Estonian with 'LV', 'lv-LV', 'ET' or 'ee-ET'.

Can any expert here please confirm the XDOLOCALE code for Latvian and Estonian to be used for printing the salary amount in words ? Thanks in advance!

@John Hung-Oracle @Abdul Rauf Mohammad-Oracle - Kindly advise.


Yash B
