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Need HCM Cloud Approver Group Name and Subsequent Approver Group Members table names ...

Accepted answer


I am trying to obtain/find the tables that are in place and that store the approver groups and approver members which are linked to each approver group, used for HCM like transactions which flow into BPM workflows. I have also gone into the HCM Task Configuration UI, but even in there I can not find how approvers get linked into individual transactional workflows.

I have found two tables up to this point inside of the ERP cloud DB, but these tables do not seem to not represent any data associated with HCM, but only with let's say AP, PO and Financials, thus the reason for my question.

Tables found:

fa_fusion_soainfra.wfapprovalgroups - BPM approval groups

fa_fusion_soainfra.wfapprovalgroupmembers - BPM approval group members

I also need to determine how to link the HCM transaction itself, i.e. salary change, etc… to its approval group name; at this time I can pinpoint these transactions using the WFTASK and WFTASKHISTORY tables.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Best Answer

  • Gianni Ceresa
    Answer ✓

    Ok, then the Cloud Customer Connect forum should be the place to ask for it. (It's a parallel forum, same platform but independent from this one, therefore your question can't be moved, you will need to post it again in there.)


  • Sumanth V -Oracle
    Sumanth V -Oracle Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    @User_N2N8H - From the description we see that the query is on Fusion Application and not OAS. Please confirm. Thanks.

  • ChannelDSYS
    ChannelDSYS Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Unsure, i.e. why can then I find approval groups [ used in BPM ] for the SCM and FIN transactions, and not again the HCM ones. That is the real question here. Within the HCM task configuration, when you click "Approval Groups", you only see those that I have mentioned.

    Any ideas ? Other questions in this forum regarding the same exact question, never had responses formulated.



  • Gianni Ceresa
    edited September 2024

    Hi @User_N2N8H ,

    What product are you using? Ideally the full name of the product (the tool you are working with, not the tool you try to extract the data from).

    This is what Sumanth was trying to find out, because if your question is purely about Fusion data, then you are in the wrong forum (we can point you to the right one). That also explain why a number of these questions don't find an answer: not the right place.

    If you are using Fusion Data Intelligence or OTBI, then we can move your question to the right category.


  • ChannelDSYS
    ChannelDSYS Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    HCM Cloud. [ in the title also ] using BI and tables.



  • Gianni Ceresa
    edited September 2024

    Ok, so you are inside your Fusion application and just doing things in there?

    In that case you should go to and look at the many categories about HCM and post in the one that seems to be closer to what you are working with (there should be one about reporting for HCM, but I can't access it, therefore no idea what is inside).

    Or what do you mean by "using BI and tables"? (you can also post a screenshot of what you are working with and we can try to figure out of it's an Oracle Analytics product or still Fusion).

  • ChannelDSYS
    ChannelDSYS Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Yes, this is the HCM cloud component of overall ERP cloud itself.

