Oracle Analytics News

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New Date! Join Joey Fitts and the Huron team for the Best of Analytics & BI from CloudWorld 2024


Update: because of the effects of natural disasters in the US east coast, the date for this online event has changed to October 15th, 2024, at 12:00PM PST, 3:00 PM EST

If you missed the Oracle Analytics news from CloudWorld 2024 or want to review what was announced and what it means, join Joey Fitts, Group Vice President for Oracle Analytics product strategy and the Huron Consulting Group team, including ACE Directors Dan Vlamis and John Whitaker for a discussion of the announcements made and what it means for the future of Oracle analytics.

This online event will be held on Tuesday, October 1st at 11AM EST (8AM PST). You can find more details and register on the events page of the community.

Looking forward to seeing you there!