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what are the values passed to dataset in parameter multiple selection in BIP report

@User_G1EP3 - If you are looking to find the parameters configured in a dataset within a BIP report, please refer to the documentation below for the navigation path:
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I have a requirement to pass multiple values of paramter in dataset. The values are from fixed data LOV like 0-30,6-21,0-5 etc. I have no option to use IN clause. so I am using REGEX to split it into multiple values.
Ex: If user selects 0-30,6-21, I want to split that into 2 rows (first row 0-30 and second row 6-21).
Below code is working for hardcoded values.
SELECT TRIM(REGEXP_SUBSTR('[0-30,6-21]', '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) AS value
FROM dual
CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR('[0-30,6-21]', '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULLBut it is not working for parameter. I used below query in dataset.
SELECT TRIM(REGEXP_SUBSTR(:P_buckets, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) AS value
FROM dual
CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR(:P_BUCKETS, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULLSo I would like to know how the values will be passed to dataset in case of multiple selection.
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Multiselect parameters pass a comma separated list of values wrapped in parenthesis and square brackets.
Ex: ([value1, value2, value3]).
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I kept the logic based on ([value1, value2, value3]) only. But it is not passing it.
Please try below query. P_BUCKET displaying NULL
select :P_BUCKETS from dual
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Test the LOV SQL as a dataset.
What does it return?
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I am using fixed data lov as shown below