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OBIEE 12c in RHEL 8 Text Messages not visible in dashboard
I have used conditional report to display some text messages in the dashboard. Conditional report is working fine and returns results as expected when directly placed in the dashboard.
But when conditional report is used in the condition, and I am trying to display some text message using Text option in one of the sections, report is loading forever, and text message is not displayed though the conditional report execution is getting completed.
Could see this error in the Presentation services logs:
2024-09-27T02:54:08Z] [OBIPS] [ERROR:31] [] [saw.views.dashboard] [ecid: 130744db-1cc4-48ae-b2bd-262521132e2a-0012fa3b,0:1] [tid: 892176128] [SI-Name: ] [IDD-Name: ] [IDD-GUID: ] [userId: weblogic] ***kmsgContextRequiredMember: message text not found ***[[
Am facing this issue in OBIEE (installed in RHEL 8 LINUX). Kindly assist to resolve this issue.
Hi @User_F9A54
Can you share me about your condition which you are passing and are you seeing any error from Dashboard?
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My conditional report displays the expected results, when it is placed in the dashboard.
Issue occurs, only when conditional report is used inside the section and text message is not appearing and report is running long, evaluating condition message is displayed to users..
Conditional report and main report retrieves results within 0s - 54s
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Hi @User_F9A54 ,
I would compare the logical/physical queries that OBIEE executes when 1) the conditional analysis is placed directly in the dashboard, and 2) the conditional analysis is used in a condition.
If the queries are exactly the same in both cases, then I suggest to open a SR. If they are different, the differences will be a good starting point to fix your issue.
I would also create a dummy conditional analysis (e.g. a column with a constant expression like 'dummy'), set the condition in a way that it's always evaluated to true, and confirm that in this case the message is properly displayed.
Does your current conditional analysis contain is prompted filters and bins columns? IIRC there could be issues when both features are used at the same time in old versions of the tool.