Oracle Analytics Publisher

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How to call BIP report using REST API?

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Hi all, we want to call BIP report using rest api service, we were able to call it using soap using the Basic Auth however when using the rest api it's saying 404 not found.

This is the URL we are using <base URL>xmlpserver/services/rest/v1/reports/Custom%252fIntegration%252fITEM_DETAILS_REPORT/run

Content-Type as multipart/form-data

This as the body :{  "dataModelUrl":"/Custom/Integration/ITEM_DETAILS_REPORT.xdm",  "saveOutputOption":"true",  "saveDataOption":"true",  "reportRequest":{    "reportAbsolutePath":"/Custom/Integration/ITEM_DETAILS_REPORT.xdo",    "attributeFormat":"pdf"    }}

This is the response we are getting:
<body>    <h1>Not Found</h1>    <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p></body>

Can someone help us with it? We are trying to integrate BIP report through different process


  • Kevin M-Oracle
    Kevin M-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Analytics Publisher Rest APIs are not available in Fusion Applications.

    See: Fusion Applications: How To Access Reports Using REST API? (Doc ID 2327020.1)



  • mayank_tripathi
    mayank_tripathi Rank 1 - Community Starter

    @Kevin M-Oracle I'm not able to open the link in the comment, it says bad request.

    To my question, so we can use soap but not rest api?

  • Kevin M-Oracle
    Kevin M-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    That is correct, Fusion Applications does not have RestAPIs for Publisher.

    Fusion Applications has SOAP UIs,

    See: Available Public Webservices in Fusion Applications(Doc ID 2086077.1).



  • @mayank_tripathi I'm not able to open the link in the comment, it says bad request.

    Delete your cookies for, or use a different browser, and try again. It's a known issue with a cookie that keep growing every time you visit Oracle websites, but some of them do not accept it anymore when it's too big…