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How to promote workbooks between Dev and Prod
When we promote one workbook between Dev and Prod, it appears that the user's "favorites" linked to that workbook are lost.
We suppose that this is due to a different object id.
Is there a solution to that issue please ?
Best Answer
@Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken - Imported dva into target environment first comes to My Folders of the user who imports it. Then it needs to be moved to required Shared Folder in Catalog. Then it's up to the users who use it to mark as Favourite based on their requirement. It's a user specific feature and won't get added as part of import/export migration activity.
Can you please share which product you are using OAC or OAS?
When you say promote from dev to prod, are you using snapshots or doing dva export/import?
Please review the following KM doc and see if this applies to your use case:
Reports Which Are Marked As Favorites Are Not Appearing In The Favorite List (Doc ID 2868740.1)
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Hi Gayathri,
We are using OAC and we would like to promote by doing export/import.
The KM you mentionned does not seem to apply to our use case.