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Display current and next 5 years dynamically
I am currently struggeling to to display the attrition data for the current year and the next four years dynamically. The out-of-the-box functionality allows selection for future years but omits the current year, which is critical for the analysis.
Has anyone else encountered this limitation? If so, how did you address it? Any guidance or examples on setting up a dynamic time range for this use case would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for the support!
Not sure which subject area you're using, but using Workforce Core I was able to successfully get the current and future 4 years using the following expression filter: "HCM - Workforce Core"."Time"."Year" >= YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) AND "HCM - Workforce Core"."Time"."Year" <= YEAR(TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_YEAR, 5, CURRENT_DATE))