Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab

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Alerts / Email Notifications

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The workbooks we are working on should provide insight to drive action. In order to do so we would like to have an alert / notification functionality to be sent directly in the email to the users alerting / notifiyng for example if some metric dashboards are changes dristically. It would be great not only to have notifications but also set up alerts e.g when the win rate metrics is dropping under 40% send me an alert per email.

Ideally, this alert notification will sent per email the visual of the metric / dashboard directly in the email and the user can then click and access FDI directly from the email.

This will help us make sure the teams are reviewing regularly the key dashboards / metrics and make sure that we are driving actions.

9 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • This is a good idea @Mernisa ! We're looking into this and hope to deliver a generalized capability like this. I'll need to do a little more work before we have a timeline, but it likely won't be immediate. Your summary of he requirements is a good one and pretty much matches our plans.

    In the interim we do have the ability to schedule the delivery of Workbooks via email, but it is not threshold based. The closest we can get to that informationally would be to design and send a summary report of metric statuses (maybe even with links to related dashboards), but it could still only be pushed periodically as per the schedule.

  • Bhaskar Konar
    Bhaskar Konar Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    It'll be a great feature to have. Upvoted.

  • Bhaskar Konar
    Bhaskar Konar Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Thanks for the detailed info @David Granholm-Oracle!

    Much appreciated.