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New Community User Ranks

Hi All,
We created new ranks in the community website to reward and identify the most active users. You can now see the rank under your Username.
See example below:
The ranks are explained below as well as in the knowledge base. We divided it in 10 different levels. From Observer, to Starter, Beginner and Guru!
Knowledge Base Ranks:
You can now identify quickly if someone is experienced within the community. We will offer randomly some goodies, speaker opportunities and other things based on user engagement. We will also offer soon a leaderboard page to show the top users for the month and the year.
Monitor the knowledge base page as we will soon share how many points you receive when you receive a like on a post, when you post, when you share an idea, when you receive a vote for your idea, when you refer someone and more.
Thank you for your engagement! We try to grow the community and every like, view, comment, vote and post count !
A big thank you for @MandeepGupta for helping with the levels.
Great! This interaction between the community is really cool.
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Looking forward to more interaction and growth with Oracle Analytics.
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Amazing, looking forward for more such cool features in Oracle Analytics community.
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Really enjoying this push for the "communities". I've heard of them but never really caught my attention to their importance so thank you for setting this up. Ranking will also get people such as myself more engaged.
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Thank you for the feedback all! Appreciate the willingness to increase engagement with us and with the community
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This initiative is praiseworthy, and it's fantastic to see you and your team engaging in efforts that will significantly contribute to the growth of the Oracle Analytics Community space.
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Thank you @Vivek_Gautam09052022 !
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Nice initiative to stimulate the community and make it more effective.