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Oracle Analytics Community User's Map

Thank you to the users of the Oracle Analytics Community for updating their profile, city and country!
See below the first Oracle Analytics Community Map of all our users with a completed profile.
The smallest dot accounts for 10 users, the largest ones account for almost 1,000 users.
We will share more statistics on the community as soon as more profile are completed.
We might create a dashboard allowing you to click on a city and see who is there. Stay tuned and comment!
This looks great. And good to see the distribution of users across globe :) Waiting for the dashboard now !!
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Would definitely like to explore if it's interactive :)
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There's dots in unexpected places, good stuff !
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Thank you very much @Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle!
Great piece of info.
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Thank you all! I was only able to do it with the users having a completed profile. Almost only 10% of the community. Anyone can update their profile here:
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This looks fantastic!
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It would be great to have a more detailed map
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Yes - @Brendan T I will wait for more users to complete their profile and then share a data visualization on it :)
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That is a cool way to see the Oracle Community. Looking forward to interacting with it as you mentioned.
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Really cool to see this! I realised I hadn't added City to my profile, so I should be included on the next viz! :)