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Washington DC Building and Area Analytics

Data Visualization of Washington D.C. using the new WKT map feature. I quickly analyzed Washington DC’s building density by area. Capitol Hill leads with the highest building count. It took less than 5 minutes to create the data visualization.
We are now integrating WKT format, a text markup language used to represent geometric and spatial data in a simple and human-readable format. WKT focuses on describing the geometry of spatial data and is standardized by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
While both WKT and GeoJSON are used for representing spatial data, they serve slightly different purposes. WKT focuses purely on geometry, making it more compact compared to GeoJSON, which includes additional metadata such as properties and CRS. WKT is plain text, making it simpler to work with in environments where JSON parsers are not readily available.
Love this! It's amazing to see such a beautiful and insightful data visualization be created so quickly.