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Tenure band ranges

When we set up ranges for the tenure band that are going to be used in reports, do we only have 1 choice ?
What if my client wants to have 2 different reports with 2 different ranges ?
For ex 0-3 and 3-10 in one report and maybe 0-2 and 3-5 in another one ? It seems like I can configure only one option.
Best Answer
@Lauriane Massin Whitaker As of now FDI does not support overlapping tenure bands, they can only be defined in ranges.
Your requirement should go as an Idea Labs request.
Thank you.
Do you know if there is a way for us to change the seniority date basis that is used here ?
What is the seniorty value of reference taken here ?
Because our client has a complex way of calculating the seniority and I'd like to know if there is any way for us to modify the calculation.