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OAC case statement with condition
Could you help me write the following case statement please :
I have a "seniority date" which has been calculated in ADW and added to the HCM native dataset to the worker personal info folder dimension/folder.
I'd like to find a way to have the number of employees (assignment count) between 0 and 1 year of seniority, 1 and 2 and 2 and 3.
So let's say that my reporting is done with the month filter set up for Novembre 2024, I want in each case the number of employees who have between 0 and 1 year of seniority based on that sepecif month and using the Seniority date.
Any idea ?
Best Answer
Hi @Lauriane Massin Whitaker ,
Please try to frame your case statement:
CASE expr1 WHEN expr2 THEN expr3 ELSE expr4 ENDor CASE WHEN request_condition1 THEN expr1 ELSE expr2 END