Hi Khalid,
Please review the OTBI subject area help center documentation and check the "Time Reporting" section and include the recommend
In the OTBI analysis count of "Supplier Registration Request"."Registration Approval Time in Days" and add a filter at the column by BIN option.
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I am trying to get first submission date

Hello All,
I am working on dashboard and I am trying to find the first submission date for the supplier registration. as you can see in the following picture.
Procurement -> Supplier -> Task ->Manage Supplier Registration Request
I am using subject area called "Supplier Registration - Real Time" I tried to take the min for creation date and request date but non of them working with me. Also, I tried the last update to take the min but still did not change anything.
the second question, there is column in this subject area called "Supplier Registration Request"."Registration Approval Time in Days", how to make it count from the fist submission date not from the last one.
Thank you in advance!
kind regards,
Best Answer
Hi Khalid,
Please review the OTBI subject area help center documentation and check the "Time Reporting" section and include the recommend
In the OTBI analysis count of "Supplier Registration Request"."Registration Approval Time in Days" and add a filter at the column by BIN option.
Thank you for responding I found the answer in the first link which is not supporting historical data.
Have good day
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Very helpful information.
Thank you very much @Rajasekhar Bandaru-Oracle!