Outstanding feature! By importing all sheets and controlling the join, I presume you can combine all sheets into one big data set?
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New Feature from the idea lab in Oracle Analytics: Excel Multi-Sheet Upload
New feature from the idea lab in Oracle Analytics: Excel Multi-Sheet Upload
You can now drop an excel file with multiple tabs and import all of them in a single dataset. Oracle Analytics is even creating a predefined model to use it.
Thank you to Minakshi Bajpai at Harvard University for this idea in the Oracle Analytics idea lab!
Idea: https://community.oracle.com/products/oracleanalytics/discussion/20732/upload-multiple-excel-tabs-at-one-time-in-dv
Outstanding feature! By importing all sheets and controlling the join, I presume you can combine all sheets into one big data set?
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Yes, Oracle Analytics is combining all the sheets automatically into a big data set!
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@Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle, the new feature in OAC is impressive. It will enable users to conduct more extensive ad hoc analysis using this functionality
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Outstanding feature.
It'll add so much values to the existing Product stack.
Thank You!
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Awesome feature!!
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Great new feature
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Hi everyone!
Great feature! To replicate the provided example, is it possible to download the sample Excel file “LinkedIn-Dataset-2025.xlsx” used to explain the new feature? It would be great to try and replicate your view.
In general, I noticed different use cases presented with various sample Excel files. It would be really useful to download and use the same files to replicate those cases.
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Hi everyone!
Great feature! To replicate the provided example, is it possible to download the sample Excel file “LinkedIn-Dataset-2025.xlsx” used to explain the new feature? It would be great to try and replicate your view.
In general, I noticed different use cases presented with various sample Excel files. It would be really useful to download and use the same files to replicate those cases.
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Great enhancement to the product functionality. Link of the video tutorial for reference:
Excel multi-sheet upload in Oracle Analytics