Subledger OTBI Analysis - Report ran for one transaction number spinning until time-out
The issue with this report is with applying a filter to this field: "Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time"."Journal Details"."Transaction Number". This is not a new report and we've just started having issues with that field post 24D. I've tested it under 3 scenarios in the edit screens/running the report with the same results:
- Filter for a single transaction # in the Transaction Number field (a Payables transaction for this example), and it just spins until I get auto-logged out of Oracle.
- Filter on the Payables Invoice Number field for the same transaction number, and it completes in about 15 seconds, including populating the Transaction Number field in #1.
- Create a new analysis with this subject area, then only add the Journal Details.Transaction Number field and filter for the same transaction #, which takes ~45 second to populate that single cell.
Anyone have suggestions on what the issue is, why it popped up now, and how to workaround it?
Thank you!