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This Calculation is broken

I imported this Excel with 2 checks names:
It gives me 2 lines:
For line 1 (i.e. check 1) I want to check how many persons have birth date less than 1940.
For line 2 (i.e. check 2) I want to check how many persons have blank flexfield.
So my calculation is the following:
So why the result is spreaded across all rows?
I expected some number for row 1 and a different number for row 2 (and not, it's not a coincidence, it is summing everything repeating the same value for all lines)
I see you have not received a response on this query and there is probably not enough information to give you a specific response. Did you intend to ask this question in the FDI forum or is it a general OAC question?
To troubleshoot, start by removing the 'Codice controllo' column and change the format of your Date column so it includes time (more detail). Also, test your two case statements separately.
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Hi @JohnW-Oracle , this is a FDI question so it should be the right place.
Also I'm not sure about your suggestion. The columns are exactly how they should be.
Thank you
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Hi @Stefano_Mazzocca,
In general terms, the idea is to simplify the report as much as possible to see if the data changes and make it easier to troubleshoot. You may want to log a SR for this question and include a DVA export.
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For trouble shooting… a good place to start is make a calculation for each state and list the detail. Once you feel the calc is working as expected — you can add the sum on top. So start with three calcs and put them on the same chart to see the low-level grain.