Hi @Bhaskar Konar, I don't have a specific column, I need the current timestamp as column.
My list is this one:
So if I do CAST(DATE AS TIMESTAMP) I have the wrong time:
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Timestamp like 21/09/2024 18:56:03

Is it possible to have a column with such timestamp?
I don't see anything like that:
Best Answer
Thanks for the details.
As per the screenshot the column is only storing the date part and time part you are getting it's a default value like 00:00:00.
If you are looking for Current Timestamp then you can use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP similar like CURRENT_DATE.
Is your source column having Timestamp?
You can CAST a date column to Timestamp in the following way.
Hope this help.
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Hi @Bhaskar Konar, I don't have a specific column, I need the current timestamp as column.
My list is this one:
So if I do CAST(DATE AS TIMESTAMP) I have the wrong time:
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Hi @Bhaskar Konar really close!
I now just need to remove the am/pm format (24 hours format) . Is it possible?
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Found it!
Thank you
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Glad to hear that.
Thank you very much @Stefano_Mazzocca!