I finally got this working by using this :
<?If:CERT_NAME_P = ''?>All<?end if?> <?If:CERT_NAME_P != ''?><?CERT_NAME_P?><?end if?>
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Parameters in Layout If Statement Not Working

So I have a multi-select parameter that returns null when All is selected.
I am printing my parameters to my RTF layout.
I have tried:
I get an error like this most of the time
<Line 42, Column 72>: XML-22013: (Error) Error in expression: './/{CERT_NAME_P}'.
The closest thing I've gotten to work is
<?if@section CERT_NAME_P?><?CERT_NAME_P?><?else?>All<?end?>
It returns All if All is provided which is good
When on item is selected it looks like this:
I would expect the All to go away but it's added to the end.
If I select two options it looks like this:
Just adding for context
Best Answer
I finally got this working by using this :
<?If:CERT_NAME_P = ''?>All<?end if?> <?If:CERT_NAME_P != ''?><?CERT_NAME_P?><?end if?>
Very helpful information.
Thanks for sharing @User_9ZFXH!