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Why are there no subject areas dedicated to Contracts in Project Financial Management?

With Fusion, it is easy to report on projects, whether they are in the early stages of planning or in execution. However, there are no subject areas that allow reporting of the contracts (customer contracts) associated with the projects that are setup. Till a contract is invoiced, all you can report is basic contract information (type, number, cost, dates, status) only. Even after invoicing, one can report only what has been invoiced.
A large project can have a complete rate card and there is no way to report the rate card that has been setup as Project Task Rate Overrides in the Contracts module. Nor is there any way to report the soft or hard limit values that have been setup. This is a serious limitation as there are no subject areas dedicated to Contracts.
Is there a plan to have new subject areas for Contracts in the upcoming release?
Hi Ravinat,
It is because contracts is not in Projects or Financials or Procurement nor even in ERP. It is in Customer Experience (Sales). So Enterprise Contracts is used for Sales Contracts in CX but also for terms and conditions in Purchase Documents in Procurement and for intent to buy Supplier Contracts (Payables) and intent to sell Customer Contracts (Projects/Receivables) in ERP.
Here is the existing subject area for contracts (listed in the CX document)
Enterprise Contracts - Contracts Real Time
Not sure this will give you a rate card but will list all contracts and contract lines for all contract types.
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Hi Nathan,
My query has nothing to do with Enterprise Contracts.
In Project Financial Management, (PFM) there are two parts to a project. First the project is created and it has a schedule. It is assigned resources from HCM and this takes care of the cost side.
Within PFM, you need to setup the customer contract for setting up billing rates, terms so that you can invoice. Only after this setup, the project setup is complete for a contract project.
Till you generate an invoice for a project, you cannot report any customer bill rates. Even after you invoice, you may not use all the bill rates in your contract, as the QA Analyst may not be used till the product is built. You cannot report any hard or soft limits that you setup on the contract. There are so many things that you setup within the contract and this is a big area that is missing as a subject area within OTBI.
Hope it is clear now.0 -
To be clear, Enterprise Contracts does report the contracts setup in PFM. However, it does not have information related to the soft, hard limits etc. It also does not help with reporting Task Rate Overrides which have the bill rates by job.
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Hi Ravinat,
You are mistaken. Your question IS about enterprise contracts. The "customer" contracts that you manage using for example work area Contracts in navigation menu Contract Management from which you associate none or one or many contract lines from one or more contracts to your projects and/or tasks that you manage for example using work area Project Financial Management in navigation menu Projects in application Project Management - these contracts ARE built using module Enterprise Contracts from pillar CX.
Therefore you do have a subject area just for your contracts called Enterprise Contracts - Contracts Real Time.
But like I said I do not think it will have the detail you need regards rates.
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Here is a list of important pieces of Contract Info that one cannot report using OTBI:
1. Payment Terms (part of the Bill Plan)
2. Job based Bill Rates (Task Rate Overrides)
3. Job Title Billing Overrides
4. Bill Plans
5. Soft and hard limits on the contract
6. Invoice comments
7. Billing instructions
8. Revenue Plans
9. Job assignment Overrides0