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New Community Rules


New Community rules are setup to provide a positive experience to all users. It is a very important aspect of the Oracle Analytics Community.

Please feel free to report any post violating any rules to the moderators and they will take immediate action to enforce them.

Users violating rules will receive a notice, then a warning and a final ban after repetitive issues.





No Advertising

No advertising for products outside of the Oracle Analytics products. Don't post any advertisements or solicitations, however much you believe in the service or product.


Respect others

Always treat other forum users with respect, even if you disagree with their opinions.


Report violations

If you see a post that violates the forum rules, report it to the moderators.


Stay on Topic

When posting in a thread, stick to the subject at hand and avoid going off on tangents.


No Personal Attacks

Never post personal information about another forum user. This includes identifying any individual by their real name if they have not already done so or providing personal contact information. Don't post anything that threatens or harms the reputation of any person or organization. If you wish to accuse someone of committing a crime or being an idiot this is not the place to do it.


No Inappropriate Material

Don't post or link to inappropriate, offensive or illegal material. Inappropriate content is anything that may offend or is not relevant to the forum and product.


No Public Moderator Complaint

Don't complain about the moderation or administration on the site; you may send a private message to Benjamin Arnulf if you are unhappy with a moderator’s decision.


Keep the Forum Positive

- Be constructive. It's okay to disagree with other forum participants, just keep the comments POSITIVE. - Always respect the views of other participants even if you don't agree with them. - Don't be a “troll.” Trolls intentionally incite annoyance or offense. They do not participate constructively and do not add any value to the forum. - If something is not working the way you want on the forum, please contact a moderator. No public shaming of the community.


Protect Data Privacy

Please ensuring to anonymize data to comply with global privacy regulations. Be respectful of sensitive data when sharing examples and use cases.


Acknowledge Sources

Please ensure to cite a source if it's coming from Oracle Documentation, a Blog, an Article, Wikipedia or an LLM such as ChatGPT.

If you believe other rules should be applied, please contact a moderator or administrator.


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  • Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Thank you @Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle for putting this together. In addition, people should avoid posting duplicate posts on the forum.


  • Noted. We will do a specific rule for mid year.

  • We added the rule #10 to reflect your request. This aligns with other similar forum rules. Thank you for proposing it.


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