Hi @User_JP43U,
The FDI Reporting configurations are not prerequisites for the Pipelines but they are prerequisites for the OAC content. The HCM prerequisites are documented here:
Before enabling the HCM offerings and running the Initial load, all them HCM prerequisites should be completed, all Key and Descriptive flexfields should be configured and Department and Position Hierarchies should be audited and flattened.
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Oracle FDI Reporting Configurations

It is recommended that the Oracle FDI Reporting configurations has to be set prior to executing the data pipelines. But in my recent project (HCM) I noticed that at any point of time we change the reporting configurations, It gets updated instantly in the system and it is reflected in the reporting. Did anyone else have a similar experience
Hi @User_JP43U,
The FDI Reporting configurations are not prerequisites for the Pipelines but they are prerequisites for the OAC content. The HCM prerequisites are documented here:
Before enabling the HCM offerings and running the Initial load, all them HCM prerequisites should be completed, all Key and Descriptive flexfields should be configured and Department and Position Hierarchies should be audited and flattened.
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Thanks for the confirmation and detailed clarification John