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PPM Project Billing Funding OTBI does not show funding amount when accounting date is added

I am trying to build an OTBI Analysis combining multiple Project OTBI. But when accounting date is used Project Funding amount is coming as null. Is there a way to edit the formula for funding amount column to ignore the accounting date
Maybe try the using the filter in the formula in the measures, instead of adding filter at entire analysis level.
Do you have the XML that you can attach as txt file?
Like below try the filter in the formula like below for cost, and remove the filter on entire analysis for accounting date.
I'm not having the same behavior though, adding in project, project funding amount, cost and filter on accounting date, so if you can provide the xml can take a further look
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@Rich Merkel Thanks for your reponse. I have tried based on your suggestion and did not work. As soon you as enter the accounting date funding amount goes blank. But if you leave accounting date blank then the amount is displayed. Pls find attached the xml.
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What other fields are you adding in beside project, project funding amount and accounting date?
I'm seeing same behavior, it's comes up as error just using project and project funding amount.
However I did try using same values with subject area Project - Grants Management -Award Funding Real Time, which you should be able to blend with project cross subject area for any measures, and can filter by accounting date.
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Hi Rich @Rich Merkel
I am using other fields in Project Cross subject area, revenue etc. I am using accounting date from Project Cross Subject area and even then the funding amount goes blank. I am using funding amount to calculate the expected revenue which is very key for the business. And its very crucial to take the amounts as of a certain accounting date. Pls find attached the xml for the whole report
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I may suggest creating SR if you still have further issues.
Please try the following attached catalog, I added in the measure from cross subject area, added filter for accounting date less than as example.
note, i had to remove fields from your original analysis, as some seemed to be based on DFF that is not in our instance.
Good luck!
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Hi @Rich Merkel unfortunately the report did not work with the catalog provided, I will create an SR with Oracle.
thanks for your help