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Multiple rows of learning records appearing from learning initiatives and renewals.

When we pull learning OTBI reports, we're noticing 1+/multiple rows of learning records for users who were assigned a learning item through a learning initiative with renewals.
For example, a learning item assigned through a learning initiative with an expiry of 1 year, and renews 30 days from expiry.
E.g. if the user had completed the learning item on Mar 11, 2024, it was renewed/re-assigned on February 9, 2025. I've filtered "Enrolled on Date is less than or equal to CURRENT_DATE" so that it only brings in current and previous enrollments. This works to prevent showing the next enrollment in January 2026. However, when I try to also edit the formula: MAX("Active Details"."Enrolled on Date"), it still includes the first instance of their enrollment/completion in 2024.
The 2 goals are to:
1. only include the current enrollment (aka not future enrollments) - the current filter achieves this
2. only bring in the current active/completed enrollment - e.g. in the example above, the report should only include the current enrollment that was renewed on Feb 9, 2025 and not the completed enrollment from 2024.
Does anyone know how we could achieve this?
Example of the records
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Are you able to add an additional filter on completion date where the completion date > current date -30? This will exclude all the courses that were completed more than 30 days ago. As there will be a new renewal record for such cases.
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Unfortunately that doesn't work because we'll still need to report on the users who had completed the training as long as it's within the validity period of a year. Validity is a year within their last completion date and it's different for each user.
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But once the validity is over they will re-enrolled with next 30 days. So, you can use some logic where enrolled date is between current date and current date -365, no?