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I need to know the key column information to be associated with the OOTB subject area.

I need to know the key column to be tied to the OOTB subject area.
I want to create a custom subject area in the semantic model extension based on the OOTB subject area definition.
It is difficult to define in the Semantic Model Extension because the definition of the Dimension/Fact binding settings (inner join , left outer join, key column) of the OOTB subject area is not disclose .
I exported the RPD file with the semantic model extension and checked the contents with the ADMIN tool, but
I could not confirm the complete definition of Dimension/Fact.
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Welcome to the Oracle Analytics Community!
For each module, a data lineage guide is available for reference to understand its usage. In FDI, this is currently the only provided option.For example, in HCM, you can find the data lineage details in the following document:
Thank you for your reply.
I have referred to this document,
but it does not state which DB column is the Dimension/Fact JOIN key column.I downloaded the OOTB RPD file from FDI,
but this also has some (*) settings to match the external RPD,
so I am unable to check the settings.0