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How are S_NQ_ERR_MSG/S_NQ_ACCT tables purged?

Received Response


  • This setting (PurgeInstDays) is for the OBISCH config file, so don't even try to add that to the OBIPS config file or your Presentation service will not start anymore.

    The config file contains only the required tags and not all the existing ones.

    In this case it must go into <scheduler> and into <ServerInstance> and there you can add the <PurgeInstDays> with the value you want.

  • Thanks Gianni.  I will be careful.  So did I point to the correct file when I say I think I should be modifying this file?

    I think I should be modifying this file --->  /u01/oracle/Middleware/Weblogic/instances/instance1/config/OracleBISchedulerComponent/coreapplication_obisch1/instanceconfig.xml
  • Yes, that one will accept the setting (and you will not kill your presentation service )